I've realized among things, I just like looking at dies to admire the work put into them. Unfortunately, its a lot of work to take the many thousands of pictures required to get a good level of detail on even something like a 386. Plus, if you want the whole circuit, you need to repeat this for many layers.
Fortunately, I have some background in robotics and since I'm planning on getting a better microscope in the next few months, I don't feel bad being a little more aggressive with my current setup. A Unitron N, the model I have, is suppose to look something like this (image from http://microscopesonline.info/):

Not too scared to be a little aggressive then at my half loved contraption, I got this after a few modifications:

Some time ago I ditched the polaroid setup since I wasn't going to use that in any form. Next, I mounted the microscope upside down on some t-slot aluminium to make it much more convenient to view samples. Next, I wanted CNC control and I didn't really like the XYZ set-up anyway, so I replaced the XY with my Sherline 2000 CNC XY stage. Turns out, the CNC head can also still fit, but I didn't have it there during early testing.
The Z axis was a bit trickier. An earlier picture that shows the basic idea:

One issue came up was that although you still can view through the eyepiece, its pretty awkward. With the camera over one and not wanting to re-adjust, it becomes difficult. So, I wanted to get the view onto a computer screen which is probably nicer on the eyes anyway. A 1/8" audio style jack breaks out composite where I convert it to an RCA type plug so it can go into my composite -> VGA converter box. The VGA then goes to an LCD display that was affixed to the t-slot. The second display behind the first, possibly not obvious in the above image, was arbitrarily fixed there to get a display up on a media server nearby and get the screen off of the floor.
The camera is mounted on t-slot aluminium as well. My Canon SD630 doesn't have a remove capture cord port and USB only supports PTP, so there is no built in way to do remote capture. So, I removed the top cover and soldered some wires onto the capture button. There are two spots: focus and snap. Shorting snap by itself is not enough to take a picture, focus must be depressed first. A DB25 breakout box runs to some optoisolators to short the signal. I figured out the correct polarity by using a volt meter on the leads coming from the camera button.
Electronics hardware is very simple. DB25 goes to a breakout board and then continues onto the stock Sherline driver box. I made a simple adapter to use the Vexta motor on the a axis with the Sherline box. The camera driver circuitry is very minimal:

Finally, there are several pieces to the software. At the core, I'm running EMC2. I set the step speeds and acceleration low so as to try to discourage the sample from vibrating. The camera is actuated from M7/M8 (coolant mist/flood) and then reset with M9 (coolant off). I use dwell instructions to give the camera enough time to take pictures, the necessary length of which I'm still working out.
The second part of the set-up is the software that generates the g-code. I wrote a Python program that you can find on my pr0ntools github repo. Its very crude currently, but may be sufficient. It assumes you are scanning a rectangle. One point is assumed to be the origin and the other is supplied on the command line. In order to make a plane, I assume the most level plane you could form from those. I'm currently always starting scans from one side on the theory it might make backlash issues less, but I'm not sure if it matters.
The test wafer I used looks like this:

From a combination of my lenses are kinda dirty (probably can fix this or upgrade to modern optics, think it uses DIN components), not washing the wafer holder, and the plastic layer, the first pictures came out relatively nice. Why it may not produce quality images like the visual6502 team or Flylogic team does, it should serve to efficiently create a number of relatively high resolution shots to my hearts content. As I get a better microscope, I might also look into CNC retrofitting it, but more likely I'll focus on improving this one as better microscopes are current beyond my budget as a high risk project.